Image of short sentences containing mathematical expressions on your browser
For what is this?
It is a tool for imaging short sentences containing mathematical expressions on your browser.
It is used
uploading a small sentence containing a formula or the formula itself as an image to SNS or sending it to someone.
How to use this?
If you write LaTeX or MathML in the input field, you will see sentences with beautiful equations in the output
For example?
- If you write like \$x\$, only that part will be beautiful in the line.
- If you write like \$\$y=x\$\$, that part will be written independently as a
separate line.
- In the part surrounded by \$ or \$\$, you can
write various expressions as follows.
- \frac{1}{2} is a fraction.
- \int_0^1f(x)dx is an integral.
- There are many more, so try searching for keywords such as "latex fraction," "latex integral," "latex Greek
"latex inequality," and "latex formula alignment."
It's just MathJax, right?
Yes. version 2.7.5
Other features?
You can change background color and text color.
You can change text size.
You can change the size of the saved image by dragging the lower right of the output field to change its size.
You can select serif and sans serif texts other than formulas.
The formula you wrote is automatically saved in your browser.
Options are also saved automatically in the browser.
When imaging, shadows and corner roundness disappear.
- The written expression is not sent to the outside.
- Depending on the browser and device you use, some features may not work.
- In the worst case, you can save images using screenshots.